Minutes-2024.06.21-Work Session

                The Board of Directors of the Edgewood-Colesburg Community School District met for a work session in the High School Library, on Friday, June 21, 2024. Board President Matt Elliot called the work session to order at 4:00 p.m.

                Directors Present: Matt Elliot, Tammy Kirby, Jeff Hoeger, & Brad Bockenstedt.

                Directors absent: Dan Venteicher

                Also Present: Superintendent Dave Hoeger, Principal Dawn Voss, and Board Secretary Melissa Conner.

                Visitors: Troy Osterhaus, Keith Kleis, Brent Wessel, Brad Maurer, Baili Maurer, Kim Huckstadt, Gene Tinker, Jill Settle, Elise Kaiser, Alyssa Meyer, Andrea Meyer, Mike Wilson, Amy Wilson, Mikel Mormann, & Zoey Walz.

                The Board Discussed the AG/FFA Programs.

                With no further business to come before the board for consideration at this time, Director Kirby moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 p.m. Director Hoeger seconded the movement. Motion Carried 4-0.



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Matt Elliot, President                     Melissa Conner, Secretary