602.4 - Graduate Follow-Up Survey

The administration of the Edgewood-Colesburg Community School District will develop and conduct a one-year and five year graduate survey.  This survey will provide the district with additional information in its ongoing process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data for curriculum evaluation and evaluation of instructional practices.

Identified school personnel will contact all graduates one year after graduation.   The survey will consist of an interview with the student or parent/guardian to gather essential information concerning the students post secondary status and evaluation of their high school educational program.  This survey will be used to benchmark the students post secondary status longitudinally at the five-year follow-up.

The five-year graduate survey will be used to collect data on the students intended outcome.  This data most accurately reflects the student’s true transition status.

Graduate survey data will be shared with the School Board annually.

A copy of the survey is available at the high school office.



Adopted:         08/20/2007
Reviewed:       02/10/2025