709 - Insurance Program
709 - Insurance ProgramThe Board of Directors shall maintain a comprehensive insurance program that will provide adequate coverage against major types of risk, loss, or damage, as well as legal liability and dishonesty.
A private appraisal agency may be retained upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools for inventory and appraisal value services, to enable the Board of Directors to maintain a comprehensive insurance program.
An itemized statement of the appraised value of all buildings owned by the school corporation shall be maintained and shall be updated at least once every five years.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code Sections 85.2; 279.12; 279.28; 285.5(6);
285.10(6); 517A.1; 613A.7.
Cross Reference: Board Member Insurance
Insurance for Certified Personnel
Insurance for Non Certified Personnel
Student Insurance, General
Student Insurance, Athletic
Periodic Review of Insurance Program
Adopted: 04/13/1987
Reviewed: 02/22/2021