902 - Press, Radio and Television News Media

902 - Press, Radio and Television News Media dawn.gibson.cm… Mon, 07/05/2021 - 17:25

902.1 - News Media Relations

902.1 - News Media Relations



Code No.  902.1

The board recognizes the value of and supports open, fair and honest communication with the news media.  The board will maintain a cooperative relationship with the news media.  As part of this cooperative relationship, the board and the media will develop a means for sharing information while respecting each party's limitations.

Members of the news media are encouraged and welcome to attend open board meetings.  The board president is the spokesperson for the board, and the superintendent is the spokesperson for the school district.  It is the responsibility of the board president and superintendent to respond to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

Members of the news media seeking information about the school district will direct their inquiries to the superintendent.  The superintendent will accurately and objectively provide the facts and board positions in response to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

Legal Reference:        Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22; 279.8

Cross Reference:        901      Public Examination of School District Records

902.04 Live Broadcast or Recording

Adopted:         09/14/1987

Revised:          03/18/2002

Reviewed:       06/26/2023

dawn.gibson.cm… Mon, 07/05/2021 - 17:26

902.2 - News Conferences and Interviews

902.2 - News Conferences and Interviews


Code No.  902.2

The superintendent, on behalf of the board and the school district, may hold a news conference or respond to a request for an interview with the news media.

The superintendent will respond accurately, openly, honestly, and objectively to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

News conferences and interviews planned or pre-arranged for school district activities will include the board and the superintendent.  News conferences for issues requiring an immediate response may be held by the superintendent.  It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether a news conference or interview is held to provide an immediate response to an issue.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board apprised of news conferences and interviews.

Legal Reference:        Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22; 279.8 (2011).

Cross Reference:        502.09 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies

Adopted:         09/14/1987

Revised:          03/18/2002

Reviewed:       06/26/2023

dawn.gibson.cm… Mon, 07/05/2021 - 17:29

902.3 - News Releases

902.3 - News Releases


Code No.  902.3

The superintendent will determine when a news release about internal school district and board matters will be issued.  In making this determination, the superintendent will strive to keep the media and the school district community accurately and objectively informed.  Further, the superintendent will strive to create and maintain a positive image for the school district.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent to approve news releases originating within the school district prior to their release.

News releases will be prepared and disseminated to news media in the school district community.  Questions about news releases will be directed to the superintendent.

Legal Reference:        Widmer v. Reitzler, 182 N.W.2d 177 (Iowa 1970).

                                    Dobrovolny v. Reinhardt, 173 N.W.2d 837 (Iowa 1970).

                                    Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22.2

Adopted:         09/14/1987

Revised:          03/18/2002

Reviewed:       06/26/2023

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File Attachments

902.4 - Live Broadcasting or Videotaping

902.4 - Live Broadcasting or Videotaping


Code No.  902.4

Individuals may broadcast or videotape public school district events, including open board meetings, as long as it does not interfere with or disrupt the school district event and it does not create an undue burden in adapting the buildings and sites to accommodate the request.

It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether the request is unduly burdensome and whether the broadcast or videotaping will interfere with or disrupt the school district event.

Videotaping of classroom activities will be allowed at the discretion of the superintendent.  Parents will be notified prior to videotaping of classroom activities.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations outlining the procedures for making the request and the rules for operation if the request is granted


Legal Reference:        Iowa Code §§ 21.4, .7; 22; 279.8

Cross Reference:        506.02 Student Directory Information

506.02-R(1)    Student Directory Information - Use of Directory Information

506.02-EH(1)  Student Directory Information - Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information

902.01 News Media Relations

903.03 Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites

Adopted:         09/14/1987

Revised:          03/18/2002

Reviewed:       06/26/2023

dawn.gibson.cm… Mon, 07/05/2021 - 17:27