

School Board Agenda for Board of Directors

Edgewood-Colesburg Community School District

Regular Meeting 6:00 PM

School Board Room

Monday, February 10, 2025


  1. Call to Order


  1. Call the Roll


  1. Approve Meeting Agenda


  1. Approve Commendations


  1. Approve Consent Items
    1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    2. Bills
    3. Financial Reports
    4. Open Enrollments
    5. Special Education Contracts
    6. Fundraisers
    7. Personnel Recommendations
    8. Annual Agreements


  1. Receive Visitors / Public Forum


  1. Principal, Coordinator, and Board Member Reports


  1. Receive Change Orders for the Construction Project


  1. Receive Early Retirement Applications


  1. Receive 2nd Reading Board Policy Updates


  1. Receive Board Policy Updates


  1. Receive Prom Photographer Contract


  1. Receive Travel Agreement


  1. Receive Mowing Bids


  1. Consider Information and Discussion Items
  2. Adjourn
mconner@edge-c… Fri, 02/07/2025 - 14:51
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