

School Board Agenda for Board of Directors

Edgewood-Colesburg Community School District

Regular Meeting 6:00 PM

Edgewood Board Room

Monday, May 13, 2024



  1. Call to Order


  1. Call the Roll


  1. Approve Meeting Agenda


  1. Public Hearing on the FY2024 Budget Amendment


  1. Approve FY2024 Budget Amendment


  1. Approve Commendations


  1. Approve Consent Items
    1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    2. Bills
    3. Financial Reports
    4. Open Enrollments
    5. Special Education Contracts
    6. Fundraisers
    7. Personnel Recommendations
    8. Annual Agreements


  1. Receive Visitors / Public Forum


  1. Principal, Coordinator, and Board Member Reports


  1. Receive settlement with the Edgewood-Colesburg Teacher Association.


  1. Receive Certified Staff Contracts


  1. Receive ECA Contracts


  1. Receive Operational Sharing Agreements


  1. Receive Board Policy Updates


  1. Receive List of Graduating Seniors


  1. Appoint Community Member to the Greater Delaware County Community Foundation


  1. Receive Fine Arts Out of State Travel


  1. $1,955,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024

-Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement, and Authorizing the Execution of Same

-Approval of form of Tax Exemption Certificate.

-Approval of Continuing Disclosure Certificate.

-Resolution Amending the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $2,555,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024, and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof.


  1. Receive Audit Proposal


  1. Consider Information and Discussion Items


  1. Adjourn


Exempt Session for Preparation for Collective Bargaining per Iowa Code 20.17(3)

mconner@edge-c… Thu, 05/09/2024 - 15:31
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