410.1 - Substitute Licensed Empoyees

410.1 - Substitute Licensed Empoyees


Personnel serving on a substitute or temporary basis in the School District shall be licensed for the positions which they are to fill.  Every effort shall be made to fill temporary positions with substitutes who have preparation equal to that of the regular contract personnel.  In the event such persons are not available, the employment of personnel who are properly licensed must have current up-dated certificates registered and on file in the Superintendent’s office.

The Board recognizes the need for substitute teachers.  Substitute teachers shall be licensed to teach in Iowa.

It shall be the responsibility of the building principal to maintain a list of substitute teachers who may be called upon to replace regular contract licensed employees.  It shall be the responsibility of the building principal to fill absences immediately with the most qualified substitute teachers available for the absence.



Properly certificated substitutes shall be paid on a daily rate for their teaching services.  Such rate shall be set by the Board of Directors.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Association of School Boards vs. PERB, 400 N.W. 2d 571 (Iowa 1987)
                                    Iowa Code 20.1, 4.(5), .9 (1997).
                                    281 I.A.C. 12.4

Adopted:        07/12/84
Reviewed:      07/19/2021
Revised:          07/19/2021


dawn.gibson.cm… Sun, 08/01/2021 - 21:19