413.5 - Classified Staff Reduction Through Termination

413.5 - Classified Staff Reduction Through Termination

The number of support staff may be reduced if a change in district needs or budgetary considerations make such a reduction necessary.  Reduction shall be accomplished through normal staff attrition, unless the best interests of the school district dictate otherwise.  When reductions beyond normal staff attrition are made, classified employees will receive 30 days notice of termination.

Any reduction-through-termination procedure contained in a valid collective bargaining agreement will be honored by the Board; however, such a procedure in no way diminishes the Board’s exclusive power, duty, and right to hire, promote, demote, transfer, assign, and retain public employees.



Legal Reference:  Code of Iowa, Sections 20.7, .24 (1997)

Adopted:        07/12/84
Reviewed:      07/19/21


dawn.gibson.cm… Sun, 08/01/2021 - 20:31