501.10 - Truancy

501.10 - Truancy

Truancy is the failure to attend school for the minimum number of days established by the School Board.  An Edgewood-Colesburg Student must be in attendance at least forty (40) days a quarter and one hundred-sixty (160) days a year.  Truancy is the act of being absent without an excuse as specified under Policy 501.10.  For the purposes of policies 501.1, 501.10 and 501.11 student absences will be of three types; excused unavoidable, excused avoidable and unexcused.  Excused unavoidable absences shall include:  illness, family emergencies, recognized religious observances, and school sponsored or approved activities.  Avoidable and unexcused absences will not count as days in attendance.  Avoidable absences shall include but not be limited to:  tardiness, shopping, hunting, concerts, preparation or participation in parties and other celebrations and employment or working at home.  Students shall also be considered truant who miss a class or leave the building without prior approval of the principal.  The student may also be considered truant for excessive absences due to illness if a doctor’s verification is not provided to the principal, or no attempt is made by parents to receive remedial or tutorial help.  Truancy will not be tolerated by the Board of Directors.

Students are subject to disciplinary action for truancy.  It shall be within the discretion of the principal to determine, in light of the circumstances, whether a student may make up work missed because of truancy.

The principal shall investigate the cause for a student’s truancy.  If the principal is unable to secure the truant student’s attendance, the student and parent(s) shall be required to come up with a plan to improve their attendance.  The principal will monitor the student’s compliance with the agreed upon plan.  If the student is still truant, the principal shall refer the matter over to the county attorney.

If a student accumulates more than 5 or more unexcused or avoidable absences in a class, he/she may lose credit for the class.  Prior to imposing the loss of credit in one or more classes, the principal will provide the student with an opportunity for an informal hearing. 

Students will remain in class until the principal or committee of the board makes a decision regarding loss or restoration of credit.

If a student loses credit, that fact is recorded in the student’s record as an “AW” (administrative withdrawal).

Legal Reference:           Iowa Code §§ 294.4; 299. 281 I.A.C. 12.3(4).


Cross References:  206.03  Secretary (I, II)

                           410.03  Truancy Officer


Adopted:          04/09/1985

Revised:           03/11/2024

Reviewed:        03/11/2024

dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 07/16/2021 - 18:25
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